PrincetonInfo article on Sing You A Brand New Song
Sing You A Brand New Song coverage from "The New Jersey Film International Film Festival begins its 24th annual screening on Saturday, June 1, at Voorhees Hall at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. Featuring more than 20 films, the jury-selected schedule includes
Read NJ Stage Magazine Article on “Sing You A Brand New Song”
Check out the article on Sing You A Brand New Song in NJ Stage Magazine, online. The article appears on the online version, pages 81 through 91.
Press Release for Sing You A Brand New Song
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: John Kelly John Kelly PR434-987-6513 SING YOU A BRAND NEW SONG: THE WORDS AND MUSIC OF COLEMAN MELLETT New documentary tells story of a talented artist lost too soon and the legendary musicians who ensured his voice would still be